
Wednesday 18 September 2024

The Four Great Theories of Mankind that Prevaricate

The Four Great Theories of Mankind that Prevaricate


     Lies are told for many reasons, but the most damaging and lethal are the ones that prevaricate. Lies that are mulishly damaging to mislead those, that results in lasting damage, are lies that prevaricate.

     These are such;

1) The Biblical theory of the creation account and the historical beginning of mankind and the Universe. This is an absolute Lie .

2) The Theory of Evolution. Where Earth from nothing but space evolved into a lush planet that developed and supported all living life . This too is a a lie of immense form.

3) Einstein's theory of gravity, curved space, gravity waves, gravitational lensing and the theory of Big Bang and the theory of dark matter. These are all hugely supported gigantic lies.

4) The dating of Human history and ancient monuments through the earth by Archeologists.  These dates are all misrepresenting human events. They too are lies.

     The Universe holds a great secret, known only by the few. A secret so great that it can alter time and space. This secret of  great power that if known by mankind would alter the balance of power in the universe. Therefore mankind has been sent lies. Lies that have evolved to become more sophisticated as man has become more educated, The first lies were from the church where a simple man laid his trust. They then became under the guise of science with the theory of evolution followed by Einstein's theories.

     As long as mankind remains clouded by lies, he is not a threat. He remains simple.

     As we approach our awakening we may also approach our destruction

Friday 14 June 2024

Strong Magnetic Fields can Distort and Compress Space and Matter

Extreme Magnetism can effect space and matter as a study done in the 2003 Scientific American article demonstrated.

      VACUUM BIREFRINGENCE Polarized light waves (orange) change speed and hence wavelength when they enter a very strong magnetic field (black lines).

      SCATTERING SUPPRESSION A light wave can glide past an electron (black circle) with little hindrance if the field prevents the electron from vibrating with the wave.

      PHOTON SPLITTING In a related effect, x-rays freely split in two or merge together. This process is important in fields stronger than 1014 gauss.

      DISTORTION OF ATOMS Fields above 109 gauss squeeze electron orbitals into cigar shapes. In a 1014-gauss field, a hydrogen atom becomes 200 times narrower. EXTREME MAGNETISM 

     What makes the theory so tricky is that the fields are stronger than the quantum electrodynamic threshold of 4 × 1013 gauss. In such strong fields, bizarre things happen. X-ray photons readily split in two or merge together. The vacuum itself is polarized, becoming strongly birefringent, like a calcite crystal. Atoms are deformed into long cylinders thinner than the quantum-relativistic wavelength of an electron [see box on opposite page]. All these strange phenomena have observable effects on magnetars. Because this physics was so exotic, and transgresses Einstein's theory, this science has attracted few researchers.

     Early on, those observing objects in space through a telescope reported that some objects were seen as doubles. This effect was immediately reported by Einstein as "Gravitational Lensing" to further prove his theory. This is false and unscientific.

     Under a strong magnetic field space is polarized becoming a strong birefringent.  Birefringent is responsible for the double reflection of light that can been seen through certain crystals. The object appears twice when viewed through this polarized material or space. Light rays take two parallel paths as it passes through this polarized medium.


     Birefringent is the cause of this doubling effect of objects seen in space .

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Mercury and Pluto's Orbits

                                                 Mercury's and Pluto's Orbits


     Einstein's theory of gravity waves emitting from a mass requires mass to lose energy and therefore lose mass. On a planetary scale that means planets in the solar system must have decaying orbits. This has been studied extensively and never found true. In his attempt to prove decaying orbits he needed to predicate mercury's orbit as decaying.

     The perturbation of Mercury's orbit is unusual but not necessarily unpredictable. It's orbit is a very pronounced elliptical orbit, that extends very close to the Suns atmosphere , at it's  perihelion. As it passes nearest the sun, it passes nearest the Corona, where a phenomena  effect occurs demonstrated 100 years ago by Einstein that lights relative velocity slows.

     The .001 degree precession per century occurs and is repeated over along period. It takes about 3,600 years or about 15,000 orbits for Mercury's orbit to make a complete precession, or rotation. The orbits as seen today are closer to the planetary plane, but that will not be true over an extended time.

      All planetary orbits extending as far out as Saturn have this unusual orbital precession. Will this be reflected in other planets orbits over time being quite different? Will the precession be constant over time or will it go from a maximum of .1 degree to zero and then repeat back.? Our theories are based on we see today, and this is almost nothing in the life of a precession orbit.

     Is it possible that all objects that orbit the Sun, our solar system, have a precession in their orbits?

     If we take the results of Shapiro's in the 1960s it is abundantly clear Einstein's theory that Mass curves space is false. As indicated from his research any, even the smallest incremental distance change of light passing from the Corona , the effect on light and it's relative velocity drops to  zero. Einstein's curved space theory literally disappears. So these orbit perturbations are NOT from any theory of relativity. The Corona observed effect, only occurs at the corona.

     If we take the speed of light and factor in the medium time that light slowed as it passed through the corona it results in light slowing 100 microseconds. This time delta is the value of how much the corona effect, alters space and time. In particular the amount of space that has been contracted /compressed.  

     29.9 km of space is continuously contracted. This small but significant amount that determines Mercury's  precession, and produces positive gravity through out the solar system. To be more specific, space is compressed from the phenomena of the Corona effect. This compression of space only occurs at the Sun's corona but this compression  is felt through out the solar system. This space anomaly is called the velocity of gravity . 

     The velocity of gravity from a distant star may deviate from our Sun's velocity of gravity, as it's magnetic field would determine it's outcome. This deviation is seen as a glitch in Einstein's theory.

     The analogy is a spring, As a spring is compressed it's distance or total length of the wire doesn't change, but the space that the spring occupies is less, therefore space is compressed. and time slows.  Hence positive gravity. If we were able to duplicate the corona effect artificially, and compress space, the universe would be in our back yard, as space travel would now exist. We would be able to explore the universe at speeds well beyond the speed of light. A vehicle that travels in altered time space is able to compress space and slow time by compressing distance as a coil. This compression of space allows the craft to travel the same distance but in a much shorter time. The more the spring is compressed the shorter the time and the higher the relative velocity. As this craft travels in this spiral altered space it emits energy forward that is detected as a spiral corkscrew emission.


     Pluto also has a pronounce elliptical orbit, that has an unusual tilt of 17 degrees from the Suns equator plane. Its orbit duration takes slightly more than 248 years. Hence Pluto's orbit has not been thoroughly studied. The Sun's gravity even at these distances does have an effect on Pluto's orbits. These effects are reflected in a decreasing tilt angle of the orbit as each orbit occurs. This effect is small but it's occurring. The problem facing the solar system is if the orbital flattens out it would endanger Neptune which has a similar orbital plane and orbital path.


      Was Pluto involved in a  planetary collision a 100 thousand years ago? That destroyed a planet that is now seen as the asteroid belt. Mars and it's two moon that are the closes planet to the  asteroid belt definitely show signs of a past massive collision.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Two Train Crashes

 Two Train Crashes


Train "A" travelling to it's destination collides with a fixed object and suddenly stops abruptly.
Train "B" again travelling to its destination with the same parameters, also collides with an fixed object, but unlike Train "A" it continues through the crash site for several seconds.

     If all things are similar between the 2 trains, the conclusion would be, using momentum,  that train "B" has a larger mass than train "A" . 
     There also could be a second conclusion as to the cause for Train "B" collision.
Time may have slowed which would have resulted in Train "B" to pass through the crash site and travel further in time. This results in 2 possible outcomes resulting in the same crash cause. Exactly two possibilities that mirror each other.  
      The analogy would be the train is the speed of light and the crash site is the cornea.

Explanation of altered time;
     Look at altered time from our POV as normal time and altered time. If in normal time we are traveling one second, but in altered time it's taking one hour to complete. It seems like forever, so time is slowing. This allows us to travel a far greater distance in altered time. (Hence train "B" passes through the crash site.) This results in space and time separating in altered time. Time now travel across space, not parallel to space. The closer it travels perpendicular to space, the slower time occurs, and the faster our vehicle travels in relative velocity.   

     Einstein stated as an object approaches the speed of light it's mass approaches infinity. This would describe why more energy is required to push the object as it approaches closer to the speed of light, hence more mass is required from the object. In fact all the energy of the Universe would be needed to approach the speed of light.. Einstein used classical physics to describe this phenomena. He also described the Black Hole phenomena as infinity mass to describe why light does not exist from a Black Hole. Again the use of classical physics to describe a phenomena.

     That's the mistake.  

Einstein correctly described lights relative velocity would slow as it passed through the Sun's cornea, Knowing the effect he again used classical physics to describe the cause. Mass curves space and creates a longer distance for light to travel, causing it's relative velocity to slow.

     That's the mistake.

     The Corona effect and the Black Hole are caused by the same phenomena that slows time. The only difference is the scale of the event. In both cases light's velocity is slowed. In the case of the Black Hole the velocity of light approaches zero. At this point light no longer exists. In both cases, the Sun's corona and the Black Hole, a large magnetic field is present, which is contributing to altered space and time. The Sun's magnetic field polarizes it's near space, while the Black Hole in the centre of the Milky Way produces a cosmic magnetic field in it's Halo. The Chinese Academy of Science  has found huge magnetic toroid's in this field , which result in the propagation of cosmic rays. These toroids extend some 100,000 light years from the centre of the galaxy. The NAOS Prof. Han proposed that the number of Pulsars could be contributing to field rotation as illustrated below. Binary pulsar pairs orbiting at the centre of the galaxy are what is referred to as the Black Hole, and contribute to this magnetic field.


      All these Infinity Mass and Infinity Energy in Einstein's theory gets a bit daunting. 
      Einstein stated that mass would increase as an object approaches light speed, but he also said the opposite. Mass creates gravity waves , which are a cost to the mass in energy, which causes mass to loose it's mass.

     So which is it?  Does mass continually loose it's mass or does it gain mass?

To better understand Black Holes and the Universe at large the Sun's cornea effect must 1st be understood. 

      To understand the Corona effect the first occurrence to understand is when time and space are altered. Time and space separate.
When space is compressed time it no longer travels in space but travels in altered space. Time slows and as time slows lights relative velocity slows.. In the Corona effect light and time slows some 100 micro seconds.
     In the Black Hole time slows as it approaches zero, which results in light ceasing to exist.


     In the diagram above this phenomenon is clearly visible .  Extrapolating the curve the galaxy at the centre has no rotational velocity as time has approaches zero.  

     Now to duplicate this on earth and  we will further the understanding of the Universe.

Monday 1 May 2023

Does the Earth Really Exist


                                                   Does the Earth exist


   The worlds scientists are  endlessly searching for planets that can sustain life. A planet that because of it's earth like environment can sustain life as we know it. These would include similar surface temperatures and surface atmosphere pressures that are not extreme  Atmosphere gases containing oxygen and nitrogen that can sustain plant and animal life. Extensive water sources which all life requires.  Also most importantly a near by Sun that would give continuous  heat and solar energy for plant life.   

           Sound impossible? It might very well be impossible.  No matter where we look there doesn't appear any planet that would closely resemble the earth in any degree, no matter how small a degree.

           Is it possible that we're looking at the question from the wrong angle? Maybe we need to see the question from an entirely different prospectus.

           The earth is something entirely very special. The earth is an anomaly. It's perfect. Completely and utterly perfect. How does something so perfect exist when comparing it everything we see and have studied? If a professor was explaining what a perfect planet is to his class, how many would believe it could even be inexistence. 

           That's the point. How can the earth be?

          The ancients of old built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, but for what purpose? There is no writing in Hieroglyphics inside the Great pyramid or for that matter anywhere that explains either the Great Pyramid or the Sphinx. 

          The Great Pyramid was the largest and tallest building built on earth up to the mid 1800s. The interior of the Pyramid has no markings, (small amount of graffiti from modern times) no writing, and no artwork. There is nothing in ancient Hieroglyphics that mentions the Great Pyramid including it's purpose or who constructed this monument.


          The Great Pyramid was completely sealed and their is no evidence that the pyramid was ever entered prior to 820 A.D by the Caliph AL-Ma'mun.   The rough surface of the pyramid is a result of the casing stones (highly valuable ) having been removed and taken to Cairo in 1356 for construction purposes.

          There is a very imaginative theory that an Egyptian King Khuku because his misspelled name was found in a very hidden location inside the pyramid built the pyramid. There is no evidence that Khuku built anything in his life time, and there is only one very small ornament in existence even associated with Khuku. 

         If you were a great King that built the Greatest building on earth, would you hire someone to misspell your name in using ink, (not cut in stone), and print this name in an obscure and hidden location.  Or did someone that wanted recognition, quickly write Khuku's name where no one would have previously seen, therefore not be able to discredit the writing and then publicly declare who constructed the Great Pyramid. A clever lie. A   sarcophagus  was the only item found inside the Great Pyramid minus it's lid.

       The Great Pyramid was built by the ancients pre flood, but not as a grave but for something of greater importance. It's importance is demonstrated by the pyramids immense size and effort to construct.

       Ancient scripts including the Sumerian texts and the Book of Enoch, along with the Bible all speak of a small group called "The Watchers"  that came to the earth to transform the earth into a Paradise. A green house for all plant and animal life to flourish. What the purpose of that Garden of Eden was, it was never stated.

        After some time expired, these Watchers became lazy and complained to their council that they needed help to accomplish this work of expanding plant growth through irrigation and cultivation. The council finally agreed and decided to introduce humans. Humans were never intended to live on earth and eventually would prove to be the downfall of the earth and all the existed on the earth.

        How did a barren rock of a planet become a green house? To transform a rock planet with a surface temperature of minus 200 degrees K into a garden, the planet needed a dreamer. A dream that could replace what actually existed into what was needed to exist. Over time dreamers were of high value and needed to be protected for if the dreamer dies or is awaken the dream dies.

        This is the reason for the Great Pyramid. To protect the dreamer from awakening. No matter what invading army would pass through Egypt the Pyramid was sealed, protecting the dreamer in his  sarcophagus . If the dreamer is awaken the earth will return to it's natural state, a barren rock mass with surface temperatures that will not sustain life.

         What happened to the Great Pyramid's dreamer? After he was awaken did he escape ? Was he replace by another dreamer? Was there more than one dreamer? Did a dreamer dream of himself becoming a dreamer.  Or the possibility that there is conflicting dreams with different destinies for the earth.

          Many evolution theorist will use one word to over come every issue. The word evolution. There is a very large problem with that. If the earth starts out as a mere rock in space, it will need oxygen for the support of animal life, and nitrogen for the support of plant life, along with water and an ambient temperature that can support both plant and animal life. The earth also has a myriad of eco systems to support the planet we know.

          For Evolution to develop and construct the earth we know, it would then have to have an awareness and conscience of it's own existence, to determine it's own destiny. This is absolutely completely crazy.

           Evolution can NOT exist. If the earth evolved from a nothing into a bare rock in space, and this came about through natural selection and selective mutations ? From nothing to a perfect planet while the rest of the known universe remains completely barren of life, with both examples given the same time frame, explains what? 

           The Big Bang theory and the theory that God created everything are both essentially the same belief. Everything from nothing.  Both are inaccurate.






Saturday 14 May 2022

Black Holes


                                  Black holes at the Centre of a Galaxy


     The understanding of black holes as a phenomena instead of Einstein's mass theory will allow us to begin to grasp this very unusual and very powerful object at the centre of every galaxy. Black holes are the real reason for the existence of a galaxy, as their force has brought together large masses of star formations.


     From the model of a galaxy's velocity extending outward, the outer elements of a galaxy are travelling  at a higher velocity and conversely the inner elements are approaching zero velocity. This runs contrary to what we understand, as an example of our own solar system object further out from the sun have a much slower velocity than those close to the sun. 

     So why the difference?  Its simply because galaxies have a black hole phenomena.

     The beginning of black holes are the result of two giant Pulsars being attracted together into a binary orbit. Over time other binary pulsar are attracted and pulled into an even larger singular orbit . These binary orbits are seen as a singular object orbiting around a common centre. They can be seen in the black hole as the sources of light within this orbit., as noted in the 1st photo

     In the photo above there are 3 distinct binary pulsars orbiting on a common orbit.


     In the photo above there appears to be spokes of stars emitting from the centre of the wheel. This indicates the number binary pulsars within the this galaxy's black hole and the strength of this black hole.

    Galaxies are formed from the strength of these binary pulsars as they attract and drag these star mases seemingly closer to the centre of their orbit.  It is at this point that something entirely different occurs. As the black hole formation is complete it transforms into an unlikely phenomena.

    As the second photo indicates, the closer objects approach the black hole , time slows , motion slows, and space is contracted.  All these values approach zero, hence light no longer exists. The object is justly called the Black Hole.

     This phenomena of space time alteration is the power of that supports the universe.  It was detected over 100 years ago from Einstein's prediction that light would appear to slow as it passed through our sun's atmosphere, the Corona. The Sun's magnetic fields are able to polarize a small region from the Sun's surface and create a space time alteration, which contracts space and slows time. This allows the Sun's atmosphere to super heat the sun's plasma. This region is call the Corona . With out the Cornea effect our world would not exist. This slowing of time and the contraction of space in the Cornea, allows for the Sun's Corona temperatures to be in the millions of degrees Kelvin, which is in sharp contrast to the  Sun's surface temperature of only 6000 Kelvin. So with out the sun's ability to create the Corona effect, Human life on earth would cease.

     So the correct result of Einstein's predictions is not that space was curved due to the mass of our Sun, which caused the light to appear to slow, but light slowed because time slowed, due to time space alteration .

     It took mankind 700 years to finally move on from the Greek theory of the cosmology of the universe. This set science and man kind back a millirem.

     If as a race of people, we are to discover new worlds and advance knowledge, we must  break free from the red herring theories of the past 100 years, and move foreword. This will mean to duplicate what is observed, and not theorized, to reproduce the Sun's ability to alter time and space. 


Wednesday 9 February 2022

The Four Principles of our Solar System

                                                     Principles of our Solar System



All things that are present in our solar system, have come from our solar system

All things that are present in our solar system, have always existed.

Infinity flows into our future and also into our past

Time and space has always existed, in the future and in the past.

In the beginning there is an end, which has a beginning that has an end , which has a beginning.

No object can escape the solar system unless it alters time and space. Any linear projection 

will eventually curve into an elliptical orbits .

The universe is and has always.