The Gods have returned
In ancient times the drones we are now seeing over many US cities were called Chariots of Fire.
Jehu, the King of Israel, who is seen in bonds, and above this figure is the Great weapon of the Anu, the chariot of the Gods . These chariots of the Gods were often seen leading armies to conquest.
There small size was not an indication of their power.
In ancient Persia the Chariot of the Gods is seen leading King Darius and his army. These were not mythical motifs, but actual powerful vehicles of flight.
Ezekiel, the prophet of the the Book of Ezekiel, in is his description of the Chariot of the Gods. described hearing thunder and lightning as it approached, "an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal" ..
Not really a scientific description, but clear indications of the vehicle emitting light, and possibly breaking the sound barrier.
These drones are not from some alien world, as there is no aliens in the Universe, as Humans are the highest form of life, but are from the "Watchers".
The Watchers came to earth hundreds of thousands years ago, and with them they brought every kind of living plant and animal life, to create a vast garden of Eden. What their purpose was, the ancient Sumerian text does not say, but they grew tired of the work and asked the Watcher's council to give them relief. The result was to bring a self determining human work force to do the work. This turned into a huge mistake as humans and their offspring began ruling the earth with fear and evil intent. The council then decided to eliminate all life on earth, but that didn't happen, and through a long period of time since then, the problem has renewed and grown.
This mistake has now grown to point where it threatens the Earth's existence.
What are the Watcher planning? They have revealed themselves after several thousand years so something immanent is about to be determined.
The Watchers are the real humans, while we are just animals with speech and a small brain. We're the workers, with a simple DNA, while the Watchers have extreme intelligence and a complex DNA ..The Watchers control us by limiting our life expectancy and our knowledge. Pseudoscience and God. We believe in religion and astrophysics as if it's the truth.
If at any time our population and our knowledge becomes a threat to them, they will annihilate us. This occurs every 100 thousand years.
Why New Jersey? Why are the Watchers interested in NJ?
Princeton University is in NJ, and it is doing extensive research on very powerful magnetic fields. Their leading researcher comments, "“I am thrilled that the High-Field Magnet Test Facility is now open,” Zhai said. “This is truly a momentous time for PPPL."
" perhaps even strong enough for future fusion demonstration"
This is exactly what the the Sun's magnetic field creates in the Sun's corona, by pulling plasma from the sun and super heating it to millions of degrees K, which then heats the earth and allows life. The corona effect is what alters time and space, by condensing space to produce positive gravity. This is the greatest power and secret of the Universe.. This knowledge in the hands of humans would destabilize the balance of power in the universe.
From the watchers point of view, this can not be allowed.