
Monday 1 May 2023

Does the Earth Really Exist


                                                   Does the Earth exist


   The worlds scientists are  endlessly searching for planets that can sustain life. A planet that because of it's earth like environment can sustain life as we know it. These would include similar surface temperatures and surface atmosphere pressures that are not extreme  Atmosphere gases containing oxygen and nitrogen that can sustain plant and animal life. Extensive water sources which all life requires.  Also most importantly a near by Sun that would give continuous  heat and solar energy for plant life.   

           Sound impossible? It might very well be impossible.  No matter where we look there doesn't appear any planet that would closely resemble the earth in any degree, no matter how small a degree.

           Is it possible that we're looking at the question from the wrong angle? Maybe we need to see the question from an entirely different prospectus.

           The earth is something entirely very special. The earth is an anomaly. It's perfect. Completely and utterly perfect. How does something so perfect exist when comparing it everything we see and have studied? If a professor was explaining what a perfect planet is to his class, how many would believe it could even be inexistence. 

           That's the point. How can the earth be?

          The ancients of old built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, but for what purpose? There is no writing in Hieroglyphics inside the Great pyramid or for that matter anywhere that explains either the Great Pyramid or the Sphinx. 

          The Great Pyramid was the largest and tallest building built on earth up to the mid 1800s. The interior of the Pyramid has no markings, (small amount of graffiti from modern times) no writing, and no artwork. There is nothing in ancient Hieroglyphics that mentions the Great Pyramid including it's purpose or who constructed this monument.


          The Great Pyramid was completely sealed and their is no evidence that the pyramid was ever entered prior to 820 A.D by the Caliph AL-Ma'mun.   The rough surface of the pyramid is a result of the casing stones (highly valuable ) having been removed and taken to Cairo in 1356 for construction purposes.

          There is a very imaginative theory that an Egyptian King Khuku because his misspelled name was found in a very hidden location inside the pyramid built the pyramid. There is no evidence that Khuku built anything in his life time, and there is only one very small ornament in existence even associated with Khuku. 

         If you were a great King that built the Greatest building on earth, would you hire someone to misspell your name in using ink, (not cut in stone), and print this name in an obscure and hidden location.  Or did someone that wanted recognition, quickly write Khuku's name where no one would have previously seen, therefore not be able to discredit the writing and then publicly declare who constructed the Great Pyramid. A clever lie. A   sarcophagus  was the only item found inside the Great Pyramid minus it's lid.

       The Great Pyramid was built by the ancients pre flood, but not as a grave but for something of greater importance. It's importance is demonstrated by the pyramids immense size and effort to construct.

       Ancient scripts including the Sumerian texts and the Book of Enoch, along with the Bible all speak of a small group called "The Watchers"  that came to the earth to transform the earth into a Paradise. A green house for all plant and animal life to flourish. What the purpose of that Garden of Eden was, it was never stated.

        After some time expired, these Watchers became lazy and complained to their council that they needed help to accomplish this work of expanding plant growth through irrigation and cultivation. The council finally agreed and decided to introduce humans. Humans were never intended to live on earth and eventually would prove to be the downfall of the earth and all the existed on the earth.

        How did a barren rock of a planet become a green house? To transform a rock planet with a surface temperature of minus 200 degrees K into a garden, the planet needed a dreamer. A dream that could replace what actually existed into what was needed to exist. Over time dreamers were of high value and needed to be protected for if the dreamer dies or is awaken the dream dies.

        This is the reason for the Great Pyramid. To protect the dreamer from awakening. No matter what invading army would pass through Egypt the Pyramid was sealed, protecting the dreamer in his  sarcophagus . If the dreamer is awaken the earth will return to it's natural state, a barren rock mass with surface temperatures that will not sustain life.

         What happened to the Great Pyramid's dreamer? After he was awaken did he escape ? Was he replace by another dreamer? Was there more than one dreamer? Did a dreamer dream of himself becoming a dreamer.  Or the possibility that there is conflicting dreams with different destinies for the earth.

          Many evolution theorist will use one word to over come every issue. The word evolution. There is a very large problem with that. If the earth starts out as a mere rock in space, it will need oxygen for the support of animal life, and nitrogen for the support of plant life, along with water and an ambient temperature that can support both plant and animal life. The earth also has a myriad of eco systems to support the planet we know.

          For Evolution to develop and construct the earth we know, it would then have to have an awareness and conscience of it's own existence, to determine it's own destiny. This is absolutely completely crazy.

           Evolution can NOT exist. If the earth evolved from a nothing into a bare rock in space, and this came about through natural selection and selective mutations ? From nothing to a perfect planet while the rest of the known universe remains completely barren of life, with both examples given the same time frame, explains what? 

           The Big Bang theory and the theory that God created everything are both essentially the same belief. Everything from nothing.  Both are inaccurate.