
Saturday 6 April 2024

Two Train Crashes

 Two Train Crashes


Train "A" travelling to it's destination collides with a fixed object and suddenly stops abruptly.
Train "B" again travelling to its destination with the same parameters, also collides with an fixed object, but unlike Train "A" it continues through the crash site for several seconds.

     If all things are similar between the 2 trains, the conclusion would be, using momentum,  that train "B" has a larger mass than train "A" . 
     There also could be a second conclusion as to the cause for Train "B" collision.
Time may have slowed which would have resulted in Train "B" to pass through the crash site and travel further in time. This results in 2 possible outcomes resulting in the same crash cause. Exactly two possibilities that mirror each other.  
      The analogy would be the train is the speed of light and the crash site is the cornea.

     Einstein stated as an object approaches the speed of light it's mass approaches infinity. This would describe why more energy is required to push the object as it approaches closer to the speed of light. In fact all the energy of the Universe would be needed to approach the speed of light.. Einstein used classical physics to describe this phenomena. He also described the Black Hole phenomena as infinity mass to describe why light does not exist from a Black Hole. Again the use of classical physics to describe a phenomena.

     That's the mistake.  

Einstein correctly described lights relative velocity would slow as it passed through the Sun's cornea, Knowing the effect he again used classical physics to describe the cause. Mass curves space and creates a longer distance for light to travel, causing it's relative velocity to slow.

     That's the mistake.

The Corona effect and the Black Hole are caused by the same phenomena that slows time.
The only difference is the scale of the event. In both cases light's velocity is slowed. In the case of the Black Hole the velocity of light approaches zero. At this point light no longer exists.

      All these Infinity Mass and Infinity Energy get a bit daunting. 
      Einstein stated that mass would increase as an object approaches light speed, but he also said the opposite. Mass creates gravity waves , which are a cost to the mass in energy, which causes mass to loose it's mass.

     So which is it?  Does mass continually loose it's mass or does it gain mass?

To better understand Black Holes and the Universe at large the Sun's cornea effect must 1st be understood. 

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